
China Haisum Holds a Production and Operation Analysis Meeting for 2023 Q1

Browsing volume:73 Hits: Source: Date:2022-04-15

On April 14, China Haisum convened a production and operation analysis meeting for the first quarter of 2023 in Changsha. The meeting aimed to implement the requirements for high-quality development of central enterprises, analyze the completion status of key indicators in the first quarter, review the progress of key tasks, and deploy the focus for the second quarter. Attendees include Zhao Guoang, Deputy General Manager of Poly Sinolight and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Haisum, Chen Rongrong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Haisum, members of the leadership team, department heads from China Haisum's headquarters, and major leaders from various operating units. The meeting was chaired by Chen Zhiming, Vice President of China Haisum.

During the meeting, the Strategic Operation Center summarized and analyzed the production and operation performance of China Haisum and its operating units in the first quarter of 2023. They compared the results against the high-quality development indicators for central enterprises, analyzed the completion status of the indicators for 2022, and reported on the key tasks and deployments for the first quarter and the subsequent phases. The operating units reviewed the difficulties, challenges, and highlights encountered during the execution of EPC projects, and reported their goals for the second quarter and the full year.

Chen Rongrong put forward six thoughts and requirements for the next stage of work:

First, focus on a "problem-oriented" approach and develop solutions and action plans. Confront problems head-on, strengthen operational capabilities, and improve management efficiency.

Second, accelerate digital transformation and empower operations from a digital perspective, so as to achieve full leverage the power of data, technologies and concepts.

Third, recognize the challenges of digital transformation and clarify the development path. Independently identify the contradictions and difficulties encountered in digital transformation in each unit, and provide methods and approaches to address them.

Fourth, review market changes and adjust development strategies. Identify practical problems encountered in planning execution and make adjustments through retrospective analysis.

Fifth, enhance management efficiency, execution, and organizational vitality. Strengthen communication, improve the decision-making and execution capabilities of departments, bridge internal gaps through digitalization, and enhance internal organizational vitality.

Six, further improve the assessment mechanism and rebuild the orientation based on assessments.

Zhao Guoang delivered a concluding speech and put forward four requirements for the next stage of work:

First, assess the situation and maintain confidence in development. With the domestic and international economic recovery showing positive signs and industrial growth steadily picking up, many regions are seizing the opportunity for post-Spring Festival resumption of work and production. All operating units should strengthen their confidence and determination, strive to catch up while facing shortcomings head-on, ride the wave while seizing the opportunities, and actively study and grasp policy trends, industry trends, and market demand, truly transforming development opportunities into driving forces for growth.

Second, self-reflect and enhance capabilities through learning. Units that have lagged behind in performance should face the reality, analyze the reasons, take measures, and achieve rapid and substantial improvements. They should adopt a humble attitude to learn from sister units, outstanding companies in the market, and especially those companies that have persevered and transformed their fate in adversity.

Third, elevate positioning and integrate into the new development paradigm. It is essential to deeply study the important speech delivered by Chairman Liu Hualong during his visit to China Haisum. Combining the political and market attributes, we need to identify the coordinates and positioning within the construction of the new development paradigm. As a technology-oriented engineering company, China Haisum plays a crucial role in the supply and demand system, serving as not only a carrier of scientific and technological innovation but also a production carrier for economic circulation. Moreover, it is an important participant in the "dual circulation" of domestic and overseas markets.

Fourth, align with the goals and make all-out efforts. Taking the opportunity of conducting thematic education, we should continue to focus on market expansion, operational management, and scientific and technological innovation. Key tasks such as lean management, scientific and technological reform demonstration, targeted share issuance, and strategic evaluation should be carried out effectively. The project manager responsibility system and dynamic management based on the entire process and full cost should be the main focus to continuously improve the Company's management and lay a solid foundation for achieving annual operational targets.

The meeting invited a digitalization expert, who delivered a special training session on the framework and capacity building methods for digital transformation, aiming to further strengthen the capacity for digital transformation. The Cost & Contract Center, EIM Digital Innovation Center, Business Development Center, and HR Management Center each made featured speeches.

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