
China Haisum Holds the Production and Operation Analysis Meeting in the Third Quarter

Browsing volume:210 Hits: Source: Date:2022-10-27

On October 25, China Haisum held the production and operation analysis meeting in the third quarter of 2022 in Shanghai to convey and implement the spirit of the third quarter business situation analysis meeting of the group company, summarize the completion of various tasks in the first three quarters, and study and deploy key tasks in the fourth quarter and next year. Zhao Guo'ang, chief economist of Poly Sinolight, secretary of the CPC Committee and chairman of the Company, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Chen Rongrong, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and president of the Company, members of the Company's leading team, heads of all departments of the headquarters and members of the leading team of various business units attended the meeting in the form of live and video respectively. The meeting was presided over by Zhou Yuan, the vice president of the Company.

At the meeting, vice president Chen Zhiming conveyed the spirit of the third quarter business situation analysis meeting of Poly Group and Poly Sinolight; Du Daoyou, vice president, reported the completion of the company's model science reform action goals in the first three quarters, analyzed the existing problems and gaps, and put forward specific requirements for the next work focus; the Strategic Operation Center, the Market Development Center and the EIM Digital Innovation Center respectively reported the completion of the main indicators of production and operation, the development of lean management, the effectiveness of market expansion and the promotion of digital work in the first three quarters; eleven business units had in-depth exchanges on the completion of various task indicators in the first three quarters, the expected completion of the whole year, problems and countermeasures, and the working ideas in the fourth quarter and next year.

At the meeting, Chen Rongrong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the Company, affirmed the management performances achieved in the first three quarters. With the title "How to Break the" Inertia "Thinking, Expand the Market and Create Benefits", he put forward five aspects of thinking and requirements for doing a good job in the next step:

First, we should review the development strategy and clarify the support points and foothold of the strategy. It is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the strategy through detailed planning in the early stage, decomposition and implementation in the middle stage, evaluation and adjustment in the later stage, and final summary and improvement. All units should sort out the gaps in the industry, business and customer operations against the strategic objectives and find out the root causes.

Second, we should establish and improve the talent system based on strategy. All units should further strengthen human resources management, change the extensive recruitment, employment, education and retention, improve the talent inventory system, realize the sharing and integration of human resources, and make the talent strategy effectively connect with the company strategy.

Third, we should re-examine the realization path of the strategy. All units should further think about the ways and "weapons" to realize the strategy, and make clear what to do, who will do it and how to do it.

Fourth, key industries such as liquor and tobacco should have new methods of development. It is necessary to take advantage of the trend, unswervingly push forward the digital transformation, focus on intelligent manufacturing, and gradually possess the capabilities of whole process empowerment, full professional positive collaborative design, and EPC management system of whole process control, thus forming unique business advantages.

Fifth, we should seek breakthroughs and change "habitual thinking and inherent cognition". We should avoid a "hard landing" in organizational change, and seek differentiation advantages, understand customers better than customers, and create value for customers with more diversified means and weapons.

Chen Rongrong demanded that all business units and departments should face problems directly, find gaps, scientifically judge and formulate measures, find the key points, aim at strength points and consolidate support points, so as to help the company's high-quality development with new insights, new processes and new empowerment.

At the end of the meeting, Zhao Guo'ang made a summary speech. He pointed out that in the first three quarters of this year, under the strong leadership of Poly Group and Poly Sinolight, China Haisum searched for certainty amid uncertainty, opened up a new dimension against the changing situation, and implemented the objectives and tasks of "strengthening party building, expanding the market, stabilizing growth, deepening reform, and controlling risks" one by one based on the "five-year" work requirements. The party building has been continuously strengthened, the overall performance has stabilized and improved, the capital operation has made a substantial breakthrough, and exploration and innovation has burst with passion, with good results achieved.

To do a good job in sprinting in the fourth quarter and planning for next year's work, Zhao Guo'ang emphasized the following working idea:

First, learn report, clarify the direction, lift the spirit. Party committees of all business units should take studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task at present and in the future, scientifically formulate work plans, organize party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members, cadres and workers to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, closely integrate the key work of reform and development, and effectively transform the learning outcomes into a powerful driving force for promoting work.

Second, learn from the benchmark, clarify the track and raise the market. Benchmarking is an effective working method, and it is also an important way for enterprises to quickly identify management shortcomings and achieve capacity catching-up. All business units should organize systematic discussions, sort out and clarify core competitiveness, do a good job in research on new businesses and channels, strengthen the tracking and layout of major customers and major projects, clarify the development track, strengthen market development, and lift the market share and influence in the subdivided industry.

Third, learn management, clarify risks and lift operations. Managers at all levels should strengthen the study of management knowledge and improve their management ability, strengthen the study of strategic management, financial management, human resource management, lean management and other knowledge, and lift their ability to solve complex problems by using systematic management thinking. It is necessary to continuously strengthen risk prevention and control, control the pass of entrance, optimize the cooperation mode, improve the level of capital balance, and do a good job in project management and company operation with high risk awareness, strong profit thinking and skillful operation level to ensure the steady development of enterprises. It is necessary to take the responsibility system of EPC project manager and the whole process and whole cost dynamic management system as the starting point, and take the digital management system as the carrier to improve the operation and management level.

Fourth, learn the "digital transformation", clarify the path and improve capabilities. Developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to grasp the new round of scientific and technological revolution and new opportunities for industrial transformation. "Promoting digital transformation and establishing a smart service platform" is one of the three platforms for China Haisum to focus on the future. It is important to follow the digital strategy, establish digital thinking, give full play to the advantages of data and rich application scenarios, enable the transformation of its own business and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote new industries, new business forms and new models, rely on digitization to build strong core competitiveness, and use digital technology and integrated innovation to light up the future of China Haisum.

Fifth, learn planning, clarify goals and lift power. 2023 is the middle year of the "14th Five-year" Plan period. It is necessary to keep the overall objectives of the 14th Five-year Plan unchanged, and start a round of planning, adjusting and revision work on the basis of mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan of the Company as a whole and all business units, calibrate the objectives, clarify the tasks and implement the measures. It is necessary to learn and understand all kinds of incentive policies, strengthen the study of national incentive policies in state-owned enterprise reform, science reform demonstration, science and technology enterprises, etc. while implementing the restricted stock incentive plan, and build a competitive and incentive multi-level incentive system.

Sixth, learn the history, clarify the culture, and lift the brand. We should organize to sort out the history of our company. Through the study of the history of the company, we should carry forward the hard work spirit of China Haisum people to forge ahead. It is necessary to further understand the significance of brand culture construction, strengthen brand culture overall construction, sub-brand building, brand culture dissemination, brand culture innovation and integration, give full play to the strong cohesion of brand culture, and make brand culture truly become the soft power of enterprise development.

He stressed that there are still two months left this year, and all units should resolutely implement the important requirements of the CPC Central Committee for "COVID-19 prevention, economic stability, and safe development", carefully sort out the work list of "ensuring revenue, promoting withdrawal, reducing 'two funds' and ensuring safety", ensure that the responsibilities and goals of each task are specific to each person, strive to achieve the best results in the whole year's work, lay a solid foundation for next year's development with practical actions and outstanding achievements, and contribute China Haisum's strength to the high-quality development of Poly Sinolight.

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