
New Start, New Chapter! Leaders of Haisum Conducted Intensive Investigation

Browsing volume:172 Hits: Source: Date:2022-03-01

In order to further transmit pressure, enhance motivation and stimulate vitality, the leaders of Haisum have recently carried out an intensive investigation, closely focusing on the implementation of strategic plans of the "14th Five-year Plan" by all units, focusing on the construction of three platforms, "management empowerment platform", "technological innovation platform" and "smart service platform", and conducting analysis and discussion to have a good year of "client orientation", "innovation", "lean management" and "implementation".

• Zhao Guoang, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairman of Haisum Led A Delegation to Investigate Two Companies in Beijing

On February 22, Zhao Guoang, the Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairman of Haisum, Li Yimin, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Lin Lin, the Secretary of the Board of Directors and Chief Financial Officer, etc., went to Haisum Beijing and SinoLight of Haisum for investigation and guidance.

Haisum Beijing

Zhao Guoang and his delegation listened to the report of the leading team of Haisum Beijing on the organizational change plan and work results. Li Yimin and Lin Lin put forward specific requirements for the implementation of the annual work in combination with the work in charge. 

Zhao Guoang affirmed the organizational change work of Haisum Beijing, emphasized the principles of organizational change, and emphasized four requirements for the next step: First, adhere to the development orientation and firmly transform from the design institute model to a scientific & technological international engineering company. Second, complete the transformation from a department contracting system to a project manager responsibility system, and realize the management of the whole process and whole cost and dynamic management of a project. Third, strengthen technological upgrading, promote digital transformation, and actively carry out research on smart factories. Fourth, take advantage of the opportunity of organizational change to sort out the system, reengineer the process, and implement lean management. He hoped that Haisum Beijing could stimulate the vitality of the company and enable the development of the company through organizational reform.

Light Industry Construction of Haisum? 

The leaders listened to the report of  Light Industry Construction on the annual work objectives, remaining problems, production & operation and management keys.

Li Yimin gave tips on incorruptible risks from the perspective of supervision of discipline inspection. He stressed that the company should firmly implement the requirements of Party conduct and integrity construction based on the development of the company. Lin Lin gave guidance on capital, legal affairs and other issues involved in business development, and required to strengthen talent training, develop more young cadres, and constantly meet the development requirements of the new situation.

Zhao Guoang affirmed the achievements made by Light Industry Construction in production, operation and reform in the past year, and appreciated the cadres and employees who worked hard. He pointed out that the majority of cadres and employees should make full use of the development platform of Haisum to achieve coordinated development. From a long-term perspective, with an eye to the future, in combination with the work requirements for the year of "client orientation", "innovation", "lean management" and "implementation", the company should speed up talent training, promote the digitalization process, and closely follow the reform and development pace of Haisum. During the investigation, Zhao Guoang held a conversation on the theme of incorruptible employment with the leading team of Haisum Beijing and Light Industry Construction, and Li Yimin held a conversation on incorruptible appointments with the new cadres managed by the CPC Committee of Haisum.

• Chen Rongrong, the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and the President of Haisum led a team to Haisum Guangzhou and Haisum Chengdu for publicity and investigation.

Haisum Chengdu

Recently, Chen Rongrong, the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Haisum, and Zhou yuan and Chen Zhiming, Vice Presidents of Haisum, went to Haisum Chengdu for publicity and investigation.

In the publicity meeting, they learned and conveyed the spirit of the 2022 Annual Business Work Meeting and Party Building Meeting of Haisum. Chen Rongrong made a mobilization speech on organizational change. He pointed out that all levels of Haisum Chengdu should make a profound reflection: What has been accumulated in the past 60 years? Every department and leader should think, sort out and reposition that: What do we do? Why do we exist? Why are we needed? He stressed that reform should be started with the concept. We need to change the business concept and the cultural concept, improve organizational capacity through organizational change, and innovate the business model. He required all the cadres of Haisum Chengdu to manage themselves well, keep learning, constantly enhance their competitiveness and innovative power, constantly break through themselves, and create value for employees and enterprises with professionalism in full blast.

Haisum Guangzhou?  

On February 18, Chen Rongrong, the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Haisum, Chen Zhiming and Du Daoyou, Vice Presidents of Haisum, etc., went to Haisum Guangzhou for investigation.

The investigation team heard the reports on the production and operation of Haisum Guangzhou since the beginning of the year, the resumption of work and production after the holiday, and the implementation of major projects. Chen Rongrong pointed out that in view of the problems arising in the process of project progress, Haisum Guangzhou should take appropriate countermeasures in time to avoid risks, further strengthen the risk awareness of employees in project management, issue early warnings of the possibility of risks, and ensure that project risks are controllable. He stressed that leaders at all levels should have forward-looking thinking and a broad vision. The company's business standard should gradually shift from the growth of single business data to the overall growth level of the company. The continuous growth of asset scale, profitability and market share of the company is an important factor that truly reflects the company's development prospects.

From February 24 to February 25, Lin Lin, the Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Haisum, and her delegation went to Haisum Guangzhou for investigation. Lin Lin listened to the report of Haisum Guangzhou on reform & development and production & operation and stressed that we should pay attention to maintaining stability and avoiding the loss of technical talents and important clients. She pointed out that Haisum Guangzhou should strive to achieve the three major changes of "from rapid development to fine management, from internal integration to external coordination, and from focusing on business to comprehensive management", thus becoming a first-class and excellent intelligent engineering company.

Relevant personnel from the Office of the Board of Directors, Risk Management Center and Strategic Operation Center of Haisum participated in the investigation.

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