
Subsidiaries of China Haisum Hold Professional and Technical Exchange Forum

Browsing volume:148 Hits: Source: Date:2021-12-15

To implement the "14th Five-Year Development Strategic Plan" of China Haisum, promote the progress of technical exchanges and the improvement of business level, further improve the production efficiency, and cultivate multi-skill compound talents, the expert team of Haisum Shanghai Light Industry Engineering Consulting of China Co.,Ltd. visited China Haisum (Wuhan) to conduct professional and technical exchanges a few days ago.

According to the meeting agenda, the consulting company introduced the current development status and team resource allocation, and the Wuhan company introduced the technical quality management and drawing review. Afterwards, technical experts from five disciplines of architecture, structure, water supply and drainage, electricity and HVAC conducted group discussions and exchanges with the participants. All professional and technical personnel actively raised questions, shared the "difficult issues" encountered in their work and countermeasures. The drawing review specialists patiently answered the professional and technical questions raised at the meeting, and encouraged the technicians to study diligently, ask more questions, and learn by analogy to go deep into the front end of the business and learn from each other's strengths, and also listened carefully to the targeted suggestions put forward by brother companies. All participants cherished this rare technical exchange and learning opportunity, and expressed their opinions freely at the meeting. After the meeting, they added each other's WeChat account to further enhance communication and collaboration.

This professional and technical exchange forum is the first communication between Haisum's design professionals and construction drawing review agencies. It is a vivid practice for the company to implement lean management goals, build an executive culture, and enhance collaborative operations between brother companies. The company will adhere to the technical exchanges and sharing in a regular and systematic manner, and strive to build a high-quality, high-level, high-tech team with superb skills and a tough style by establishing a learning-oriented enterprise. The results of the plan after the "brainstorming" will also play a positive exemplary role in Haisum's internal sharing of technical resources, improving technological innovation capabilities, and promoting the high-quality development of the company's business synergy.

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