
Haisum Carries out Publicity Activities Centering on “Better Life · Accompanied by the Civil Code”

Browsing volume:116 Hits: Source: Date:2021-06-04

As the first anniversary of the enactment of the Civil Code is approaching, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on strengthening the publicity of the Civil Code, further promote the study and publicity of the Civil Code, and effectively integrate it into the daily life and work of the employees in the company, Haisum earnestly implements the deployment requirements of the superiors, the headquarters, the head offices and the subsidiaries of Haisum has organized a series of learning and publicity activities about the Civil Code with the theme of “Better Life · Accompanied by the Civil Code” in rich forms and contents, which has effectively promoted the publicity of the Civil Code in Haisum to new achievements and new climax.

During the publicity activities, the leaders of the headquarters and subsidiaries took the lead in learning the Civil Code, carrying out publicity activities centering on the Civil Code, such as organizing legal affairs and lawyers to give lectures, watching videos, and holding symposiums.

At the same time, each subsidiary also made use of the LED screen, publicity board in office area and other forms to publicize the Civil Code, creating a good atmosphere for publicity.

This activity made the staff fully understand the significance of the promulgation and implementation of the Civil Code, and the new provisions, new concepts and new spirits in the Civil Code, making the staff more capable of learning and using laws.

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