
Inheritance, Inclusiveness, Innovation and Responsibility—Haisum Holds a Symposium for Young Employee Representatives

Browsing volume:172 Hits: Source: Date:2021-05-26

       At the symposium, Zhao Guoang, on behalf of the leadership team, elaborated the organizational structure reform of the company and the development implementation plan of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, made a detailed introduction to the young representatives from the aspects such as why the reform was carried out, the basic requirements and guiding principles of the reform, the setting of the organizational structure, the company’s development objectives and employees’ career promotion blueprints in the future, and also accordingly answered the questions about development directions concerned by the youth representatives in combination with the Questionnaire on the Future Development of the Company.

After getting to know and communicating with the youth representatives one by one, Zhao Guoang said that this year marked the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China, as well as the “year of strategy”  “year of change”  “’year of brand” and “year of digital” for the company’s innovative development. In facing external risk and challenges and internal organizational adjustments, we have to re-establish our sense of values, reset strategic goals, reconstruct organizational structure, reshape core competitiveness, build excitation mechanism, and reestablish corporate culture and brand, so as to achieve the authentic transformation and upgrade relying on digital and intelligent thinking. Zhao Guoang also made specific requests to the youths from three aspects: First, focus on the present without being impatient. Have the mind of “not claiming credit but always making sure to contribute one’s share to the success of the cause”, buckle down to one’s work, dare to challenge oneself, take the initiative, have the courage to take the responsibility, go through trials and hardships, broaden one’s horizon and gain ability in projects and tasks with concentrated problems and complex contradictions, and establish the youthful ideal with firm faith. Second, learn and accumulate without giving up. Adhere to learning, be diligent in thinking, try to seize every minute, and learn eagerly in a persistent way. Firmly bind personal development with the enterprise’s development, dare to innovate, be good at bringing forth new things, do one’s best and show one’s strengths, and manifest youthfulness by actively learning. Third, innovate and create without letting up. Have the spirit of fearlessness, actively concentrate on various work of the company’s digital and intelligent transformation, and adhere to the problem orientation, target lead, reform assistance, innovation empowerment, so as to shape the new Haisum in the new era with innovation, efficiency and creativity, showing youthfulness in daring to do solid work.

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