
Delegation Led by Poly Group’s Deputy Chief Accountant Deng Changqing Visits the Company for Research and Guidance

Browsing volume:147 Hits: Source: Date:2021-04-25

On April 22, the delegation led by Deng Changqing, the Deputy Chief Accountant of Poly Group, visited Haisum for research and guidance. The company’s Chief Financial Officer and the Secretary of the Board of Directors Lin Lin and heads of related functional departments participated in the research and reporting.

At the symposium, Lin Lin elaborated a detailed report on the company's market value management work, investor relations special work, capital information system and financial digital platform construction. After listening to the report, Deng said that the market value management and investor relations maintenance measures of Haisum were strongly deployed and effectively implemented with the capital system construction being distinctly and comprehensively executed, which opened new thoughts and brings inspiration for the next phase of work of the Poly Group. In response to the following development of Haisum, he put forward specific requirements: firstly, it is necessary to clarify the strategic positioning and continuously convey good messages about the corporate development prospects to investors to achieve the dual development of business scale and brand value through scientific planning and considerate organization. Secondly, the company should focus on market value management, implement the important measures of the Opinions of the State Council on Further Improving the Quality of Listed Companies, and form a unified plan based on the current development status of the company, focusing on the word "long-term effect". Thirdly, the company should strengthen fund management, consolidate the construction of the internal control system of funds through systems, procedures and standards to effectively achieve division of responsibility and management under authorization. In the future, we will further rely on Poly Group's fund information system to strengthen strict governance to ensure fund security. Fourthly, the company should seize development opportunities, firmly establish overall thinking, make overall plans, further study and judge development problems, adhere to financial tracking and guidance, strictly prevent and control potential risks to create a new pattern of business development and empower high-quality development of the company.


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