
Haisum Holds Information and Digitization Promotion Meeting

Browsing volume:254 Hits: Source: Date:2021-01-22

On January 19, 2021, Haisum held an information and digitization promotion meeting. The meeting was held via conference call. The president of the company Chen Rongrong, and the vice-president and technical director Jin Shan attended the meeting, and the deputy director of EIM Center Pan Zhixiang presided over the meeting with 113 participants including heads of relevant management departments at the headquarters, leaders in charge of information and digitization construction of each head office, heads of counterpart departments and cadre employees responsible for information and digitization at the headquarters and subsidiaries.

The vice president Jin Shan delivered a keynote speech entitled "Embracing Industrial Revolution and Accelerating the Advancement of Corporate Information and Digitization Construction" and addressed the meeting by taking carriages vs. automobiles, manual wiring vs. program-controlled telephones, and typesetting vs. laser phototypesetting as examples to analyze the historical liberation of productivity through revolutions of production tools (techniques), which resulted in the great industrial revolution. He also pointed out that the current rapid development of digital information technology is essentially a revolution in productivity, and the company's production, operation and management models must actively adapt to such changes. Jin put forward three requirements for the corporate information and digitization construction: firstly, to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the meaning of digital transformation; secondly, to strengthen the benchmarking and make efforts to consolidate the foundation of digital transformation; and thirdly, to plan, implement, operate and maintain in an overall manner in the construction process.

The EIM Center made a report on the information and digitization work of the "EIM Platform Planning of Haisum". The headquarters and each head office reported the information and digitization progress, existing problems and solutions of their respective units, and made discussions on the planning of EIM platform. The participants at the meeting unanimously suggested that the EIM Center should take the lead with the participation of the headquarters and various subsidiaries to accelerate the construction of the EIM platform to empower business production and operation management as soon as possible.

Finally, the president Chen Rongrong made a concluding speech, emphasizing four requirements: firstly, as digitization is a major trend of the times, the EIM center shall gather experiences, wisdom and needs of various business units to plan and coordinate the construction of the EIM platform in an overall manner to realize the unity of management information standards and business production standards; secondly, the EIM Center shall organize the implementation of the sequential engineering "Lighthouse" project to improve the design capabilities of process automatic control and rejuvenate the core advantages of Haisum in the industrial field; thirdly, to accelerate the transition to the whole process of engineering, extend the digital model to procurement, EPC general contracting, delivery, operation and maintenance to fully tap the value of digitization; and fourthly, the intelligent upgrade of future stock projects will become the mainstream, so it is necessary to accelerate the integration of engineering+IT to build the "digital force" of Haisum, empowering the future intelligent operation and maintenance.

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