
Draw on Collective Wisdom and Follow Scientific Planning to Achieve Well-planned Quality Development

Browsing volume:388 Hits: Source: Date:2020-11-18

To clarify the Company's development thinking, determine the Company's high-quality development direction, and make good preparation for the Company's 14th Five-Year Plan, Haisum held a 14th Five-Year Plan seminar at its Shanghai headquarters on November 13, 2020. A total of 29 people from Strategic Investment Center leaders of Poly Group, the Company's directors, supervisors, members of the committee, and principals of subsidiaries attended the meeting. Haisum's CPC Committee Secretary and Company Chairman Zhao Guoang, and Haisum's CPC Committee Deputy Secretary and Company President Chen Rongrong held the meeting respectively.

The meeting heard the report of the Company's 14th Five-Year Plan Preparation Working Group on the Company's 14th Five-Year Plan (discussion draft) and the report of the eight major subsidiaries on 14th Five-Year Plan (preliminary draft). Leaders from the Strategic Investment Center of Poly Group, the Company's directors, supervisors, members of the committee analyzed and commented on the planning of the Company and its subsidiaries. The comments combined the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises, as well as the Group,s requirements on the future development, the importance and foresight of planning, the Company,s development environment, thinking and planning, etc., pointing out the need to recognize the situation, look at today with a future perspective, learn from peers and benchmarks, further clarify the development path, find out the irreplaceable key needs of target customers, improve the core competitiveness, and further clarify the company,s mission and vision. It is necessary to improve market value management, capital operation, corporate culture, talent team building, risk control and other work, while promoting equity incentive and mixed ownership reform during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. The leaders also presented some comments on modification of the Company's planning documents.

Chairman Zhao Guoang expressed his gratitude to the leaders and experts for their insights, and put forward the Company's development philosophy based on the expectations and requirements of the Group to the Company's future, as well as the current problems and deficiencies. The first is to seize the exact situation and development opportunities to be faced in the 14th Five-Year Plan, adapt to the new development pattern; accurately recognize changes, respond scientifically, and seek changes actively; and understand the domestic needs, determine the development direction and position according to the market, identify the most suitable development strategy and re-determine the future development direction for the Company; the second is to innovate the organizational structure, study and determine the organizational structure that meets the needs of the projects and the Company and supports the implementation of the strategy, and also improve the Company's management level and development quality; the third is to focus on technological upgrading, to invigorate the Company with innovation, and create higher production efficiency and better quality products with more advanced technologies, thereby bringing more benefits to the Company; the fourth is to update the competitive strategy, seek a differentiated competition method, and rebuild a suitable development platform.

Chairman Zhao pointed out that it is necessary to break the inherent thinking and be fully prepared to deal with changes. The organizational structure should be transformed from "design institute with engineering business" to "engineering company with design business"; operational management should be transformed from "department contracting system" management to "project manager responsibility system", so as to achieve "low cost, high benefit, strict assessment, and true commitment". The focus of operation thinking should shift from "short-term" to "long-term", from "income" to "profit"; from "speed" to "quality", from "expansion" to "risk control". Going forward, the Company needs to take three steps. The first step is to build a framework and lay the foundation, specifically determine the strategy, build the system, and adjust the personnel. The second step is to improve quality and make up for shortcomings, specifically to expand the market, grasp the general contract, and control risks. The third step is to promote growth and seek long-term development, specifically to make innovation, emphasize training, and manage capital. It is necessary to determine the importance of tasks as per reform focuses of different stages in order to realize coordinative promotion. While preparing for the 14th Five-Year Plan, the Company will also carry out the preparation of special plans for industry, finance and capital, technological innovation, incentives, headquarters and capital operation. At the same time, the following four tasks will be the priorities during the 14th Five-Year Plan period: First, stop loss and promote development. Improve business from bad to good and from good to better, and make the positive increment greater than the negative increment; Second, lay the foundation and expand the market. Explore the market on an advanced technological platform and strong management platform; third, promote project management and operation management at different levels. Coordinate the operation and management, collective and individual, and strategies and tactics; fourth, enhance the building and execution of system simultaneously. Improve the executive force and realize unification of knowledge and practice.

Chairman Zhao requested the Company to foster a new development pattern with new development concepts in the new development stage, earnestly implement the decisions and deployments of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Poly Group and Sinolight Corporation, continue to perform sound preparation and modification of the Company’s 14th Five-Year Plan, adhere to be problem-oriented and goal-driven for reform assistance, innovation and empowerment, and strive to create a new situation for the Company's high-quality development with "indomitable striving attitude and never-slack mental state".

This meeting incorporated an innovative model that combines the top-level design of the Company's planning and preparation as well as the opinion collection from public, which is crucial for planning the Company's future quality development and preparation for the 14th Five-Year Plan.

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