
Forge Ahead with Firm Conviction, Keep the Original Aspiration and Embrace Responsibility with Passion: Haisum’s Annual Training Course on Party Building for 2020

Browsing volume:329 Hits: Source: Date:2020-09-28

To deepen the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, consolidate the themed educational achievement of "staying true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind", promote "Four Histories" education, and further improve the performance capability of Party and Disciplinary Inspection personnel, Haisum held training course named "Forge Ahead with Firm Conviction, Keep the Original Aspiration and Embrace Responsibility with Passion" at the headquarters from September 23 to 25.

This training received great attention from leaders of the Group and the Company's CPC Committee. The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Group arranged the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department and the Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary of the second-level companies to attend the meeting for guidance and communication, and Secretary Cui Jiuheng made a special visit to the meeting and delivered a summative speech on the completion. Sinolight Corporation's Chief Economist, Haisum's CPC Committee Secretary and Company Chairman Zhao Guoang reviewed the arrangement of the training and invited the trainer experts, and also made an inspirational speech. The training course was held by Haisum's CPC Committee Deputy Secretary and Company President Chen Rongrong, and a total of 57 people including cadres of all levels in discipline inspection system of Sinolight Corporation, the leaders of Haisum, and Party and Disciplinary Inspection personnel participated in the training.

In his speech, Zhao Guoang encouraged the trainees to uphold the sense of mission, stay true to the CPC's original aspiration to seek happiness for the people, and achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, that all staff of Poly Group have the original aspiration of "protecting country and benefiting people", and that the Sinolight Corporation and Haisum have the original aspiration of "serving the nation by developing the light industry". He encourages the trainees to keep ambition based on the strategic planning, be energetic and innovative, and think strategically; to keep intelligent and problem-oriented, be adept to discover problems, brave to face problems, willing to study problems, and exert to solve problems; to broaden horizon, and view the development of enterprise tactically from the angle of history; and keep enthusiasm during work to serve as the advocate, promoter and practitioner, thus transforming the training result to vivid practices during the reform and development.

Sinolight Corporation's Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Cui Jiuheng taught an enjoyable Party class entitled "Integrity before Success" at the graduation ceremony. He explained the connotations behind five sayings in The Analects of Confucius: "Set your heart on the truth, hold to virtue, lean upon compassion, and seek enjoyment in the six arts", "People in the past learn to satisfy themselves. People today learn to serve others", "It is coward to see what is right and not to do it", "The principle of the master is nothing but loyalty and forgiveness", "Harmony is what matters", requesting the trainees to satisfy themselves rather than others and do what is right, keep other people in own heart, and seek the harmony on the basis of admitting the difference.

During the training, the Company's CPC Committee invited Li Shuguang, former vice principal of The Second Military Medicine University to give a lecture named Great Leader and Shanghai, Chen Yun, the director of Discipline Inspection Group of Commission of Economy and Information Technology taught the lecture named Understanding and Alert of Party Central Committee's Eight-point Decisions, Li Ming, vice president of Municipal Party School taught the lecture named Discussion on Stress Management and Mental Accommodation from the View of Positive Psychology. The lecture "Party Class in Walking" and Visit to the International Artificial Intelligence Center at West Coast, which were close to the practice of the frontier work of the Party building, have been well received by trainees.

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