
Leaders of Haisum Express Solicitudes for the Employees Stationed in Overseas Projects during the Spring Festival

Browsing volume:606 Hits: Source: Date:2020-04-23

As the Spring Festival approached, Zhou Yuan, vice president of Haisum, went to Vietnam and the Philippines on behalf of the company's leading body to visit the employees stationed at the project site, and sent the festival solicitudes and blessings.

From January 20 to January 22, Zhou Yuan went to the Vietnam Marubeni Project in T?nh Bà R?a-V?ng Tàu, Vietnam. The project is an EPC project with a total contract value of USD 107.5 million (about CNY 731.77 million) signed by the company at the beginning of last year. It has positive influence on the company's development of overseas market and expansion of industry influence. Since the installation of paper machine soleplate began in October 2019, the overall progress has been good, and the installation of equipment, pipelines, non-standard and electrical instruments has entered the peak period. During the Spring Festival, 10 employees of the project team stayed at the site, and about 120 persons stayed at the site of each installation subcontractor. During the on-site period, Zhou Yuan analyzed the project progress together with the project team members, inspected the implementation of the key path nodes of the project in detail, sent the blessings of the Spring Festival in advance, and asked the on-site team to do a good job in holiday safety prevention and safe construction, and anti-theft work of materials and equipment, to safely and smoothly pass the Spring Festival.

On the morning of January 24 (Chinese New Year's Eve), Zhou Yuan went to the UPPC project site in the Philippines to express solicitudes to the employees and personnel of subcontractor who continued to fight hard during the Spring Festival and to speak with the owner. The Philippine UPPC project is another important overseas general contracting project signed by the company last year. The project team overcame the influence caused by the delay of local civil work progress and started the installation work of the paper machine on January 10. The owner expressed appreciation and gratitude for Haisum's support and cooperation during the difficult period of the project, conveyed the thanks and expectations of the leaders of Thailand SCG Group to Haisum, and presented the tangerines meaning "good luck" to Zhou Yuan according to the traditional Chinese etiquette of the Chinese Spring Festival in Thailand and expressed his best wishes for the Chinese Spring Festival.

Zhou Yuan said that Haisum team will certainly live up to the expectations of the owner, continue to strictly control the progress and quality of the project, and submit satisfactory answers to the owner. Zhou Yuan also invited the owner and site personnel to eat dinner together, and had an unforgettable New Year's Eve in a happy atmosphere.

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