
New Beginning, New Journey and March Forward- Haisum Holds Grand 2019 Annual Commendation Conference and 2020 Headquarters New Year Conference

Browsing volume:361 Hits: Source: Date:2020-01-23

In the afternoon on January 16, China Haisum held grand 2019 Annual Commendation Conference and 2020 Headquarters New Year Conference in Shanghai Film Art Center. More than 1,000 individuals including Haisum's leading body, some emeritus and retired leaders and experts, principal leaders of subsidiaries, excellent representatives, representatives of cadres in charge of poverty alleviation in villages and all employees in headquarters of Haisum gathered together to enjoy the cultural feast.

At the conference, Zhang Jianxin, deputy Secretary of the Party committee and president of Haisum gave work report with the theme of Stay True to Assume the Mission and Creatively Strive for a Better Future, summarized the production & operation and management of the company in 2019, introduced key work task of the company in 2020 and expressed a good wish in 2020. He said a new ten-year journey was opened in 2020, we were at the historical intersection of "Two Centenary Goals" and we should solidly implement policies, continuously improve our core competition, bravely undertake responsibilities, strive to accomplish tasks and jointly write the new chapter of high-quality development of the company under the strong leadership of the group companies with more full passion, a wider development view and more creative development measures.

Xu Datong, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of Haisum, made a keynote speech with the theme of New Beginning, New Journey and March Forward. He summarized achievements and highlights achieved by the company in 2019. He expressed his expectation to the development in 2020. He stressed that: firstly, the platform construction of the headquarters shall be strengthened; secondly, scope of business shall be expanded; thirdly, the financing function of the listed platform shall be given full play; fourthly, reform shall be continuously deepened; fifthly, risk management shall be continuously reinforced. He proposed creative measures such as business-finance integration, business-law integration, business-holding integration, business-discipline integration and business-love integration to facilitate the sustainable high-quality development of the company.

In his peroration, chairman Xu said emotionally: it is an era where a faith and a power support up moving forward. Generation-to-generation personnel working on light industry in Haisum shoulder the mission of serving the nation by developing the light industry, work hard and diligently in the tide of reform. Nowadays, we are confronted with the challenge of higher-level transformation. We are eager to be successful and we must overcome difficulties with courage and faith. As the saying goes "Without a cold biting cold, how fragrant plum blossom?" We are in the great era and we clearly know we should undertake heavy responsibilities. We pursue our dream with courage and diligence just like rivers surging forward with great momentum; When we think about ourselves, we still shoulder heavy responsibilities. Believe ourselves and strive for Haisum! Haisum, fighting!

The conference ceremoniously commended excellent teams and individuals with the honor issued by Poly Group and Sinolight and presented awards to enterprises wining Breakthrough Prize, Outstanding Performance Prize, Greatest Progress Prize, Best Collaboration Award and Brand Creativity Award in Overseas Engineering of Haisum as well as to excellent cadres in charge of poverty alleviation in villages of Haisum. The conference commended and presented awards to departments, teams and individuals in headquarters winning Top Prize for New Contracts, Highest Contribution Award, Excellent Prize for Department Appraisal, Science and Technology Progress Award, Technical Quality Award, Management Creativity Award, New Industrial Development Award, Passion Award, Excellent Plan Award in Gourmet Festival, Contribution Award for Four Sub-projects, Excellent Employee and Star of Tomorrow in 2019.

The theme of this annual conference is "New Beginning, New Journey and March Forward", highlights the undertaking and action, insists on integration and development, and further boosts the integration and communication of parent company and subsidiaries. Eight subsidiaries from places record well-designed show videos for the annual conference, representatives of Party members, youth representatives, representatives of newly inaugurated post-80s cadres in the headquarters performed shows with distinct theme and passion to bring joy and wishes to attendees.

The live streaming platform of this annual conference attracted more than 98,800 online audiences (an increase of 58,900 online audiences over the last year) and obtained 11,900 online likes. Over 3,000 people participated in the real-time interaction of the show.

All attendees sang together "Me and My Motherland" till the conference ends. The success of the conference intensively showed cadres and employees' boundless enthusiasm and love for the company which will be turned into steadfast undertaking and responsibilities for the future development progress of the company, stimulate generation-to-generation personnel in Haisum to strive for their dream and write a new and glorious chapter of high-quality development of the company!

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