
Yu Haixing, the Vice General Manager of Sinolight Visited the Company for Investigation

Browsing volume:407 Hits: Source: Date:2019-12-26

On December 24, the delegate led by Yu Haixing, the vice general manager of Sinolight, and Xue Hui, who is from the Legal Affairs Department of Sinolight, visited Haisum for investigation. Xu Datong, the Secretary of Party committee and chairman of Haisum, and Zhang Jianxin, the vice Secretary of Party committee, vice chairman and president of Haisum, led the leading body to receive the delegate led by Yu and participated in the investigation forum.

First, Xu Datong, on behalf of the leading body, expressed his thanks to Yu for the care and attention given to Haisum and for coming to Haisum the tenth time this year for investigation. Then, as specified in the investigation outline of Sinolight, Xu Datong gave a detailed report on the implementation of business objectives and performance highlights in 2019; business plan and guarantee measures of 2020; total wage distribution in 2019 and the rationality of departmental re-distribution mechanism; problems needing emphasis; and the implementation of compliance management. In 2019, Haisum, under the proper guidance of Sinolight, made solid advances in strategy development, strategic planning and the implementation of reform and development; enhanced international development to realize internationalization 2.0; Haisum conducted resource integration in a better manner and exerted the collaboration mechanism of headquarters; Haisum made new breakthrough in new industry fostering, industry chain extension, new profit growth point exploration, etc.; Haisum strengthened headquarters control & management while actively promoted the construction of seven major management platforms i.e. operating management platform, human resource management platform, technical management platform, project management platform, finance and asset management platform, risk management platform and brand management platform; Haisum augmented the soft power of the company through organizing summer vocation care for schoolchildren, garden party, food festival and other activities related to people's livelihood to raise the happiness and sense of fulfillment of the employees. These are all remarkable highlights. In 2020, Haisum will continue "enhancing headquarters control & management and making efforts in platform construction" and try to realize the high-quality development of Haisum in a steady way through convening quarterly production and operation meetings of joint-stock companies and some other new measures.

Xu also gave a report on the two major general contracting projects of emphasized shares, i.e. the Ivorian Cocoa Project newly signed by Nanning company and the Wuliangye Project being tracked by Xi'an company.

Zhang Jianxin and Zhao Guoang made a brief report integrating the thoughts and reflections gained from the investigation respectively of Guangzhou company and Nanning company, affirmed the unremitting efforts of Haisum employees in market development despite the hardship and proposed their own ideas on how to cope with the gradually saturated traditional light industry market and how to advance in the road of innovation utilizing the company's own core process predominance.

Yu, after debriefing the report, was affirmative of the production and operation performance of Haisum in 2019 and made instructions on specific tasks. The first is to spare no pains for the last spurt to guarantee the accomplishment of all production tasks. The second is to further sort out the production indexes of the next year and take effective guarantee measures to maintain good performance. The third is to peg the total wage distribution to performance evaluation while take actual variance into consideration to ensure both incentives and guarantees. The fourth is to apply a more rational mechanism to departmental re-distribution mainly in the form of positive incentive. Yu also affirmed the achievements in promoting the implementation of reform and development tasks realized by the new leading body since its establishment and expressed his wish in Haisum in further exerting the initiative of the leading body and employees of the subsidiary and making the 14th Five-Year Plan while ensuring the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan; and making bigger achievements in internal collaboration and the construction and management innovation of the seven major platforms, especially in terms of extensional development by fully utilizing the company's advantages as a listed corporate. Finally, Yu also made requirements on the control and management of the liquidity risk and risk of loss during the implementation of general contracting project with reference to the Ivorian Project and stated that Haisum shall give its all in assisting Nanning company with this project since it was so far the largest general contracting project of Haisum.

Yu gave his most sincere wish to Haisum and hoped that it will make better achievements in 2020 under the leadership of the new leading body. Xu Datong, on behalf of the leading body, committed not to fall short of the expectations raised by Sinolight's leaders and promised that the new leading body will surely make some difference and strive to develop in a steady manner in 2020.

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