
Coolness Delivery to Front-line Staff – The Company Leaders and Their Delegation Visit Multiple Projects for High-temperature Condolences

Browsing volume:403 Hits: Source: Date:2019-08-07

For China Haisum Engineering Co., Ltd employees working on the front line of project, coping with the scorching sun, fighting the extreme heat, and resisting high temperature has become the routine operations in each summer. In the meantime, the "coolness delivery" (high-temperature condolences) by Company leaders has been a tradition every summer. From July this year, Bian Junyi, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of the Company, Li Yimin, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, Vice Presidents Qi Yongyi, Zhou Yuan and Jin Shan et al. have successively led their teams to multiple projects under construction, bringing coolness to the staff working on front line at high temperatures.

In the scorching sun, the leaders provided employees with cooling articles such as cooling ointment and toilet sets at the site of Huabang PM9 Papermaking Machine Production Line Project, the new project of Tianwu Hopetone Nonferrous Metals Distribution Base in Water-front Area of Shanghai, the Lear Project, the renovation project of Celebrity City Hotel in Shanghai, the renovation project of Shanghai Bailian Yingzhan Business Management Center, the 09-05 project of Phase II of Talent Apartment of Zhangjiang International Community, Zhangjiang Big Data Center, Zhangjiang Future Art Museum, the green zone on the south bank of Chuanyang River (East Sanba River - Shenjiang Road), and the engineering project to the east of Jinke Road (Jinke Road - Copernicus Road). In addition to giving full recognition to the hard work of the staff sticking to the front lines at high temperatures, the Company leaders instructed project management personnel to earnestly perform the supervision and management, attach importance to the management of work safety at high temperatures, make scientific and reasonable adjustment of construction schedule, and take appropriate actions for heatstroke prevention. Moreover, the Company leaders encouraged everyone to give full play to the excellent capabilities of the China Haisum Engineering Co., Ltd teams and overcome difficulties to ensure work safety while guaranteeing the quality and quantity of construction works, and to build each project into a quality project, a model project, and a pro-people project through constant efforts.

All the project teams expressed their gratitude to the company leaders for their care and promised to live up to expectations, successfully accomplish their missions, fulfill their duties to guarantee excellent implementation, go all out to finish all the projects, thereby making contributions to the brand building of China Haisum Engineering Co., Ltd.

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