
Technical Director of Architectural Zhang Xiaolong Was Invited to Participate in the Preparation of the Guidelines for Design of Green Industrial Buildings in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area

Browsing volume:533 Hits: Source: Date:2019-04-04

On March 6, 2019, the Administration Committee of Beijing Economic-technological Development Area officially released the Guidelines for Design of Green Industrial Buildings in Beijing Economic-technological Development Area. As the expert of the National Green Industrial Architecture Group, Architectural Director Zhang Xiaolong was invited to take part in the preparation of architectural part in the Guidelines on behalf of the Company.

As the first technical guideline document on green design in the field of industrial buildings, the Guidelines were established by the Administration Committee of Beijing Economic-technological Development Area and the Science & Technology and Industrialization Development Center under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in conjunction together with a number of representative industrial building design companies in China. Its release enables the Beijing Economic-technological Development Area to give full play to its strengths as a "state-level economic and technological development zone" and "national high-tech industrial park" to establish the high-grade, precision and advanced industry structure and take the lead in the creation of green building industry concentration demonstration zone in China, thus facilitating the extensive generalization of green industrial buildings.

Mainly based on the national standard GB/T 50878-2013 Evaluation Standard for Green Industrial Building and the trends of research and application of new technologies for green industrial buildings, the Guidelines bring forward recommended applicable technologies for various projects, as well as the technical standards for reference and the technical points to focus on during implementation on the principle of adaptation to local conditions by taking into account the four dominant industries, i.e. electronics, automotive, equipment manufacturing and bio-pharmaceutical in the Development Zone and the eight major disciplines, i.e. process, general drawing, building, structure, plumbing, HVAC (power), electrics, and environmental protection. Serving as the "instructional manual" and "operation manual" for design and construction practices of green industrial buildings in the Beijing Economic-technological Development Area, the Guidelines are prepared in popular and easy-to-understand language that offers excellent readability, guidance, and operability, exhibiting important reference significance for the preparation of relevant national and other local technical documents.

Our participation in the preparation of Guidelines will effectively enhance our influence in the field of green building industry.

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