
Joint Party Building for a Bright Future - China Haisum Engineering Co., Ltd and Zhejiang Huafeng Paper Group Signed the Agreement on Joint Party Building

Browsing volume:918 Hits: Source: Date:2018-07-13

On July 11, CPC China Haisum Committee and CPC Zhejiang Huafeng Paper Group Committee signed the agreement on joint Party Building. This is a useful attempt by both sides to follow out the important spirit of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of speeches, comprehensively promote the building of Party organizations, and work together to promote Party building. It also marks the creation of new pattern of the joint Party building featuring "resource sharing, complementary advantages, win-win cooperation, and common progress".

At the simple and solemn signing ceremony, Comrade Wang Haipei, Party Secretary, Chairman and General Manager of Zhejiang Huafeng Paper Group, and Comrade Xu Datong, General Secretary and Chairman of China Haisum delivered speeches respectively. They reviewed the development of mutual trust and benefit between both companies in project cooperation over the years, and believed that the joint Party building is based on the common values and cultural concepts. It's an attempt to innovate the Party building at grassroots level. Both companies are expected to, through joint Party building, enhance the exchange of ideas and culture, and consolidate and intensify the strategic cooperation; in addition, both companies are expected to, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "two mountains theory", effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprise through Party building, make efforts for eco-friendly development, and enhance the harmonious development of enterprise.

According to the Agreement, both sides will organize joint building to enhance the "role of the first-line fighting bastion"; link Party members to strengthen their exemplary vanguard; work together for practical work to enhance the leadership and service of organization; seek joint development promotion to strengthen cooperation and improve work performance; share the position to enhance Party members activity brand building. Both sides shall focus on the central service scheme, give full play to their own advantages, and make every effort to create quality Party building activity brand and position, thereby creating a Party building atmosphere that unites people, serves the mass, and seeks harmony.

Principal leaders of Zhejiang Huafeng Paper Group and Zhejiang Huafeng Paper Technology Co., Ltd., and relevant leaders of Haisum and the Party Branch of Division III were present at the signing ceremony.

Leaders of Haisum, accompanied by leaders of Huafeng Group, visited the Historical Materials Showroom of Huafeng with great interest.

After the signing ceremony, leaders of Haisum met with the employees at the high-temperature work site, and distributed heatstroke-preventing articles to them.

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